Thursday, April 15, 2004

The Very First Time: Getting Started and Welcome

Welcome! It has been just about a year since "Walking In The Light" first appeared on The Inner Light Foundation web site. I intended these to be a series of reflections which, hopefully, might include an occasional drop or drab of insight. An extrapolation (and interpretation) of the teachings of Betty Bethards, Thich Nhat Hahn, the Dalai Lama, Peter and the other Apostles, and many others. A tossed salad of mixed spiritual metaphors, philosophy and theology. Like a new seed freshly placed in the soil this idea sat dormant for all these months. Finally, after a bit of fretting and nail biting and even some watering and nurturing, I have decided to go at it again as the green shoots of this metaphorical plant begin to break the soil. And, wouldn't you know it? BLOGGER just seemed to drop out of the sky! So with very little fuss or fanfare I begin the 2004 BLOG version of "Walking in the Light". A deep breath in ....