Friday, May 21, 2004

About a Pinball

Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment,
I know this is a wonderful moment!
                       - Thich Nhat Hahn

The other day while driving to an appointment I had this impression of life as a pinball. You know the shiny metal round ball inside the pinball machine? The impression was of life as the ball being bounced around off walls and flippers and gadgets and gizmos that make up the playing table in the machine. The impression was visual, with the point of view of looking down on the table from about the level of the glass. Everything was so close and the energy and chaos were strongly present. At one point I could actually see, in my mind, the ball hitting those round "target" objects that have circular rings, as well as bouncing off flippers and other objects. It was a very vivid experience.

During my appointment I had an opportunity to reflect on this impression with the person I was meeting with, and I became curious about who or what was at the table controlling the flippers. Whose hands were on either side of the table tapping the buttons? Could it be God? Perhaps. But to my surpise I had another impression -- that each of us are playing our own game. The flippers are controlled by me. By us. And with that realization I really wanted to pan the "camera angle" up just a little bit so I could see the score.

There are probably many levels to this impression, as well as many ways to interpret it. I will continue to reflect on the experience. And I invite you to leave a comment with your thoughts about life as a pinball.

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Copyright©2004 J.D. Warrick. All Rights Reserved.

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