Tuesday, May 17, 2005

What do you want to do with your life?
A meeting with my spiritual director last week brought about a series of internal conversations which lead me to ask myself the simple question, "What do you want to do with your life?"
This is, of course, in the family of questions that people have pondered over for thousands of years, and I was surprised when there was a ready, semi-articulate answer which came popping right out of my head. We are all born holy, given this by the sacrifice of the Christ going to the cross and the redemption that His death brings to all of us. We sometimes spend our lives looking for the purpose or for a meaning, and those things can take many shapes. The answer which came to me this afternoon was to fulfill that legacy of holiness at all times and to the best of our ability, regardless of the shape our life has taken. Once we begin to operate with this intention as a motivating force we will be driven closer to Christ and closer to the holy state that He desires for us all.

Copyright©2005 jdwarrick    

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