Friday, March 23, 2007

Little Black Book (year 5)

Bishop Ken Untener from the Diocese of Saginaw
I did not know Bishop Ken Untener from the Diocese of Saginaw, but the extension of his ministry through the Little Black/Blue/White Books has provided so many of us with an opportunity to reflect on the life of Jesus. This is my fifth year reading daily from these tiny gems during the Lent, Easter and Advent seasons. Bishop Untener died in 2004, but his work continues through the ladies of the Diocese. Visit them at

The reflection for today struck a chord with me. It reads, in part:
"I am a Christian, a disciple of the Lord. How seriously have I chosen Jesus? Is it more or less implicit, sort of an understanding, a not-so-thoroughly examined assumption that I was born into? Or is it an explicit, determined, resolute decision that anchors my day-to-day life?"
As my mind moved around that thought in various ways, tasting the flavors of the words and digging into the concepts, it occurred to me that this same thinking might be applied to many situations in life in general.

"I am a (insert occupation, relationship, sexual orientation, age reference, etc.). How seriously have I chosen (that)? Is it more or less implicit, sort of an understanding, a not-so-thoroughly examines assumption that I was born into? Or is it an explicit, determined, resolute decision that anchors my day-to-day life?"

We could use "husband", "father", "dentist", "school teacher" .. or just about any word describing something that we perceive ourselves as being. Whether good or bad.

"Drug addict", "Child/Wife abuser", "Thief". Suddenly, the concept of the words takes on entirely new shapes, offering the opportunity of secular or religious salvation through the recognition that these things, whatever they are, might not be preordained. They might be "less implicit".

Continuing, the reflection for today read:
"Lent is meant to be decision-time -- to make one, if I haven't, and renew one if I have".

What do you think? What decisions would you like to make? What decisions would you like to renew?

Uncredited photo of Bishop Untener found on the internet.

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